Friday, September 4, 2009

This is the cat that lives in my home. We call her Sasha, repeatedly so, even when addressing her directly; she clearly does not answer to Sasha, though we don't know whether her disagreement with us is based on philosophical or practical terms. What we do know is that if we die she will consume us as much as possible before our masticated cadavers reach a stage of putrescence even too advanced for her, or our friends bury us. On the upside, she is damn cute.

I'm writing today, and hope to write in the future, because sometimes its cold outside and I can't do exactly what I want, so I've settle for something like this. I am in university, my writing is constantly wanting for improvement (no matter what any well-wisher states), and there are ghostly, menacing voices screaming wretchedly about communication or some sort of thing.

I am a big hockey fan, though I don't excel at the same sort of loggorhea that the Oiler bloggers seem to, I will try to contribute something to any discussion 'cross my path, though it will probably be inane, innate, and inessentially unarithmetic, to say the least. I'll try to relate just how much breadth of subject my monkey arms grip close round my chest, over time I guess. Anything anyone else wishes to state in writing will also be accepted, as I find the best conversations to be ones bogged down by vagaries and errata, especially drunken ones (is there any other kind?).

My prospective perspective lens shall be my ongoing study of the Tao and its universality of application, as both an overarching theme and a magnifier of minutiae. Nothing religious, of course, more blasphemously experimental actually, gods help me. It just seems to me that the internet has to be the most Taoist entity on the planet (in liberal democratic terms, of course). My relationship to the whole web thing is largely platonic, though, so my knowledge on the finer points of computers and internetting is slight and unstable.

I've already lost interest in this opus of origin, so whatever. Read my blog, or don't, but if you do, don't believe a thing I say. Write. Type. Yah.